Neumotorax espontaneo pdf 2012

Pdf algunos aspectos clinicoquirurgicos del neumotorax. The term pneumothorax was first coined by itard and then laennec in 1803 and 1819 respectively,1 and refers to air in the pleural cavity ie, interspersed between the lung and the chest wall. The case is presented of a 17 yearold boy, who was seen into the emergency department with a clinical picture of sudden dyspnoea and right pleuritic chest pain. Neumotorax espontaneo american college of veterinary. Diagnostico y tratamiento del neumotorax espontaneo 3 durango 289 1a colonia roma delegacion cuauhtemoc, 06700 mexico, df. Temas definicion introduccion tipos neumotorax y subtipos clinica diagnostico tratamiento algoritmo resumen. Aug 09, 2014 es cuando una parte del pulmon colapsa. Actualizacion sobre neumotorax scielo cuba infomed. The mission of acvs is to advance the art and science of surgery and promote excellence in animal health care through research, education and service to the public. Algunos aspectos clinicoquirurgicos del neumotorax espontaneo. The impact of smoking in primary spontaneous pneumothorax.

Medycyna praktyczna en sus servicios utiliza archivos cookies y otras tecnologias afines. Diagnostico y tratamiento del neumotorax espontaneo. Jimenez lopez, laureano molins lopezrodo, alfonso perez trullen, juan torres lanzas. Causas y tratamiento del neumotorax persistente y recidivante. Febrero 2012 vol 1, num 1 med gen y fam digital 2012. The american college of veterinary surgeons is the agency by which veterinarians are certified as specialists in surgery.

Diagnostico y tratamiento del neumotorax espontaneo 6 1. Causes and treatment of persistent and recurrent pneumothorax. Neumotorax espontaneo secundario a coccidioidomicosis pulmonar. Juan gualberto vivo nunez hospital julio trigo lopez. Indice introduccion definicion clasificacion fisiopatologia clinica diagnostico tratamiento bibliografia 3. Neumotorax espontaneo secundario a tuberculosis pulmonar. Aparentemente surge por casualidad y sin influencias externas.

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